
Thursday, April 13, 2006

the easter trilogy

I began this blog during this holy of seasons last year, 2005. I started again this past year and have even renamed this cosmicblog. Its all the rage if the mainstream media are reporting on it!!! The world, not taking enough to process all the technological changes, flales blindly in this new blog world. What I choose to focus on over the course of the next 3 days is the play that repeats itself in order to honor the life that was the Master Teacher, Jesus. Remembering, in order to begin again. The weather to my south is sunny but the north winds over the lake bring ominous signs. Fitting for what is ahead. Guatemala is behind me but Peru lies ahead. More journies, more tests, more joys. I don't want to be staring at the empty tomb when the resurrected Jesus walks on by. I look forward to spring in all its glory.


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