
Friday, March 10, 2006

I'm not dead today!!

A quote i heard from JPD at Ash Wed service. When we finally accept that someday we WILL die and that we aren't dead today we can then celebrate the day we have. Its begun to free my mind to really live. Its not a death wish, far from it. I want death to stay away for a good long while but I am also keenly aware of the here one moment not the next so when God gives me messages to send out then I do so without hesitation because it may be key to a part of his plan and I must focus on that. If it sounds morbid I am sorry for it really is joyous for me to think that I will go somewhere only the self can go. I am very comfortable with the self I am becoming so to me its just another trip.
Speaking of which, Peru is more secure with hotels and airline tickets to be finalized this weekend. Once thats done its anything goes....Leave states June 10th Fly to Lima then to Cuzco. Here is where it gets dicey just showing up. cuzco is at around 13,000 ft so aclimitizing is a must. You just have to see how we all react. Last trip at that altitude was 10 years ago. I did fine but I'm 10 years older. We'll see if the training pays off. I'm sure it will. Depending on how fast we can settle we will be off to Macchu Picchu. That will take approximately 3-4 days. Doing it up right is the theme of the trip or one of them at least. Small side trips as warranted. Wayne is bringing Poki so he can clown some. Sadly, he will depart on the 19th for the states which leaves Tresa and I to go to the amazon basin and to stay for Inti Rymi the most sacred Incan festive of the year. It is the celebration of the winter solstice (south of the equator it will be winter)when the sun is in perfect position to pierce the sacred statues left behind by the Incas before they deserted Macchu Picchu. Inti Rymi is celebrated in south america but I understand that Cuzco is the place to be for this. Then we will leave for Lima, stay there a few days ( its at sea level whew)and head home for the states the 29th. Quite an undertaking but Tresa is the real champ for making the reservations etc. I appreciate her patience that I have never really put the effort into learning alot of Spanish. I'm more the learn as I go type (slowly)
So ...I'm not dead today so off I go.


  • At 9:23 PM, Blogger ShelleyL said…

    I too, have no fear of death for myself either. Probably from havingalmost dne that head on so to speak....I have a problem of letting go of those I love though. I must start to look at life and death differently.Why do I think that it is okay for me to be perfectly content facing my death yet do not think I should allow other to be content with facing theirs. Sounds pretty selfish doesnt it? I do love the concept of 'Im dead today!' I jus thave to learn with the reality of it. I truly love your way of looking at it and I aspire to find the same joy.
    How in the world do you become aclamated to 13000 feet without actually beig there yet? Hold your breath a lot? LOL! This trip sounds absolutley amazing. I do feel badly that Wayne will not be able to be with you the entire trip! I cant wait to see the pictures and hear the stories!!
    June 10th huh?! ----I guess the other half of litter patrol had better get moved to Erie!!

  • At 4:54 PM, Blogger ShelleyL said…

    OH you are so right!!!! Too funny!!! Okay....I do love the concept of ..."Im NOT dead today"....THATS what I aspire too!!! Oh good Lord!


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