
Friday, March 25, 2005

alfumbras, tubas and processions

3 necessary ingredients to the local Semana Santa festivities. The alfumbra is the offical name of the carpets that i have been referring to. All words in Spanish that begin with al are Arabic in origin and are from the Moors influence from the Spanish conquest.
Imagine all the churches in a diocese having their own processions with special meaning all occurring at the same time. Walking the streets of Antiqua the chances of running into one is excellent. in fact, as I write this another alfumbra is being created outside of our posada so at some point another one will come by.
Sleep has been coming in spurts since yesterday. We spent one more day with Armando and his family and they are becoming such a special part of the fabric of my life. La Doña wrapped my hair in the traditional headdress and Armando suggested we try on the traditional traje or outfits worn by the women. The photos are fabulous, not to mention the level of intimacy exchanged. Armando packed us and his family in the van and we made the 3 hour ride back to Antigua. During that time we gained some insight into the increased military presence. In addition to it being Semana Santa there has been increased indigenous protests against a Canadian mining company by the name of Montaña Mining Co. Their exploitation of the indigenous is what is trigging the human blockades and burning buses (so they have to replace the transport vehicles). I plan on a google search when I am done here.
We slept a bit and we were out and about around 2am to watch the building of the inital alfumbras. By 6 am the centurions had passed on horseback pronouncing sentence upon Jesus.
Although, I always imagined Pilate to be a bigger man! See 7,000 lbs of Jesus for details on the weight and size of the statues.
Here comes the obligatory weather report. 75 and sunny every day since last Saturday. No rain since late the first night here.
Perfect for milling about town or sunning on the roof top of the posada.
To my cathedral family, I miss you all very much during this time and I hope that what I bring back will add to our experience as a community. I carry you all with me and realize what an incredible presence you all are in my life.
Its time to experience the next gift, whatever that may be....


  • At 8:52 PM, Blogger ShelleyL said…

    Celeste, I dont know if this web site will be helpful to you or not. I, however, found it very informational. Everything you are experiencing sounds absolutely amazing. I cant wait to go through pictures with you and learn. Our sunrise service, that I am looking forward to, sounds incredibly meger compared to all that you are witnessing and absorbing.
    Peace-out, chick. love me


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