
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

"it's a world gone mad"

There was a time 20 + years ago when a fellow psychologist made the above statement in fits of hystrionics....could he have just been ahead of his time? That would give them too much power with just average intellect. truly applies or the scales have fallen from my eyes. The older I get, the less I give a fuck. I try to care when people have problems, but honestly, they don't want solutions and I stopped casting pearls before swine. I've come to the conclusion we deserve what we get...maybe I should return to writing but again, I am tired of my own word and thought. Lord, help restore in me a sense of hope about anything. Your faithful servant

Monday, August 06, 2012

Means, motive and opportunity

So I have researched the 3 hypotheticals that law enforcement utilize when analyzing a potential crime or malfeasance and have come up with this so far: MOTIVE: divorce would be too costly financially and egotistically. OPPPORTUNITY : a very public trip, yet isolated for lengths of time MEANS : poison/neglect With the dynamics overwhelmingly causing an instinctual reaction of "oh my god, he killed her" I continue to be driven by a sense of justice for you. The truth will come soon, as these questions lead all back to the one who knows what really happened. This will not end until every last thread in this psychopath's drama is unraveled. I loved you for just who you were, no more no less. The fact that you had happiness at the end makes me smile through this pain and disbelief. "this is not over"

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Ok, now that I have logged on for the 50th different time/way, I should take advantage of a window to write or jump out of. Doesn't do much good to collect these thoughts when I can't log in once in awhile. The "I don't really give a fuck" has been full throttle in my head for some time now. A good amount is the point where I am in life and the meds. I do write this on the day of the announcement of Nora Ephron's death from leukemia at age 71. I find both of these facts difficult to believe. She gave us journalism, screenplays, movie directing and her unique look at her world. You'll be missed, nora. Let's see how long before I can post again...

Friday, May 04, 2012

How did I lose my way

So my last post was jury duty, not because I ain't got nuttin to say....but couldn't figure out how to post. This is an election year, 2012 and when the going gets weird the weird turn pro. Let's see if I can figure this out again when I really want to spout off about

Monday, November 07, 2011

jury duty 2011

Since this blahog has been around a while, i am pretty sure that this topic has come up before. Since 1999 or there abouts, I have been consistently called for jury duty. That's every 3 years. It hasn't changed much. The constant blair of CNN on the TV is lessened but the process is still its own subculture.
Today's defendent appeared latino and was involved in drugs. His seated jury was made up of all white, elderly individuals. Jury of his peers? These folks are gonna get the vapors at the mere mention of 6th and Parade! Also appeared another gent was disqualified for having some dealings with the defendant in the past. Me, I was confidentially connected to 2 of the police officers and so here I am. Usually, I am intrigued once I am inside of a courtroom and learn something new every time. Legal education every 3 years!!
Also reconnected with someone I haven't seen in many years. We used to teach life skills classes together. Glass half full, always.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

you can't make this shit up # 8799

So I'm volunteering with a local agengy, assisting with clerical duties wherever that might be. Soooooo......I encounter a series of letters that someone had saved, because they too, could not make this shit up. I love people who have the presence of mind to save the "comments of the weird".
We are all sent requests for money for different causes. Now, what I do with causes that I will not support is throw them away. Ok, I'm guilty of EPA offenses and not throwing my $$ willy-nillybut I File 13 'em.
Not so for our lunatic fringe. The collection of "rejection letters" commented on the typical, victimized "who's taking care of me?" to "I don't subscribe to the religion forced down there" to vile statements such as "you are all a bunch of effing enablers, these drug addicts and alcoholics need to get a job" to my favorite: race. "I won't support any body who helps effing n*(%^$s." This was a popular theme.
There was the letter writer who politely asked if one of our residents could come live with them to "help around the house"
The outside of one envelope contained all the identifying info, including credit card number etc in lieu of paper inside .
The moral of the story is, throw out if you don't want to give but you lunatic fringe keep on keepin' on...
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. Hunter S. Thompson

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

well Hellooooo Georgeous!

So has it really been since last April that I blahged thoughts in space. You are probably wondering where I have been. Well, I must confess my return to my first love, paper and pen. The seduction of the paper, the smell of the binding and the smooth, flowing ink was all too much for me. And yes, there has been more than one book. With that said, will you take me back?
Those other books didn't mean anything to me...plz forgive me.
The planet has rotated faithfully. The world has gone bat shit crazy and I have been fooling around with other people's writings. It was easier, I guess. I can't promise you that I won't longingly reach for my first love...just that perhaps my relationship with you needs rekindled.

With the knowledge that it is easier to get forgiveness than it is permission...