
Monday, March 21, 2005

no tengo los palabras por hoy

Don't worry, I won't write it all in spanish although I am amazed at how I am grasping it this trip. Each time I feel the wiring in my brain expand and make connections that I know are just lying dormant.
I had a complete post written this morning and when I went to send it everything crashed and alas the post was lost to cyber space. (getting used to this spanish keyboard is something so if weird things or signs get posted you know why, at least that is my story and I am sticking to it!)
But, as always there is a reason for it.
We took the infamous "chicken bus " to a maximon site in san andres and it was quite an experience. We have a new rule here for asking info. Once we get 3 out of 5 consistent responses then we know we are on the right track. For example, "Is this the bus line that will take us to San Andres?" Apply the 3 out of 5 rule and it usually works. Anyway, The Maximon site was wild... I would recommend doing a google search on Maximon for those not familar but I recieved a "cleansing" from a shaman as I left an offering of camomille tea leaves.
We sat for 3 hours watching the shamans at work. While no words were exchanged there was a communication at the most intuitive level that felt humbling and respectful at the same time.They would build pyres of wood, cigars, eggs, soda pop, salt, sugar etc and while working in the Ma'am language entreating the spirits for positive means. Their was a sign posted that read that using the shaman's and Maximon's power for ill would result in the ill befalling the user 10fold. Kept me on the straight and narrow. we took no photos out of respect.
while these elaborate ceremonies took place, the hookers and the drunks would come and go.
We have made contact with Armando and we are off to his area tomorrow. we will be staying over and doing some shopping for the mini bazar. Until later


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