
Monday, March 06, 2006

go figure

I set up a new blog called "perpetual Lent" but I'm having trouble accessing it so back home go.Lasts nights oscars(last cling to pop culture that I will admit to)were interesting. Does it mean that hollywood isn't ready to fully embrace alternative lifestyles but will reward movies that expose the pervasive racism, power and control issues of who's got it, whowants it, and will do anything to keep it? Crash is a great film and the only other one I had seen except BrokeBack Mountain . BBM has such sensuousness and love with fear and confusion and guilt. I also grew through the experience in that I went to a movie a few minutes late, wasn't lost plot-wise and didn't die from an anxiety attack. Yeah me. Probably won't push that envelope again but then I am grappling with this emerging time issue. Always punctual me is having problems with "losing time" . Brain changes and slowness from the MS is changing how much time I need to do things in the time frame I used to be able to do them in. Glad I have been able to organize this into something that makes sense on paper. I have a tough time explaining to people what this feels like. Any suggestions ?

The Weaver--Author Unknown

My life is but a weaving
between the Lord and me.
I cannot chose the colors
He worketh steadily.

Oftimes he weareth sorrow,
And I in foolish pride
Forget he sees the upper
and I , the underside

No till the loom is silent
and the shuttles cease to fly
Shall God unroll the canvas
and explain the reason why.

The dark threads are as needed
in the Weaver's skillful hand
as the threads of gold and silver
in the pattern he had planned.

I write this because God led me to this in response to a question in
"Mark My Word" and because I would like to share it.


  • At 8:38 PM, Blogger ShelleyL said…

    Well many thoughts rushed through my brain as I read this addition to your blog...I'll start with....allowing yourself to miss unimportant plot segments in a movie is like allowing yourself to skip parts of a book that you find inconsequential also. I was told by a very reliable source, that this is okay! You will be fine to miss the beginings of gives you a very good excuse to see it again wtih someone else or to rent or buy the dvd....they are captured moments in time that will not change....not like missing a monment in real life that cannot be replayed, it will be okay.
    The losing time thing I suppose might kind of feel like running through water? After a couple drinks? Maybe? I only have parts of me that lag so I will never truely be able to put myself in your shoes, but I will do my best to understand and will always be there to help you with those shoes!
    (and remember at least you have an excuse for it taking you longer than it used to to get still turn out just as beautifu! I have no such excuse and sometimes the results are iffy at best!!! LOL) I will also be there to laugh are our respective 'shortcomings' my dear, because we both know the crying thing is a temporary relief when we allow ouselves to feel the frustration of what we cannot control and the despiration when we wonder 'why?'.
    The Weaver is beautiful...and very appropriate for the answer to the question in Mark My havent lost your touch Chick, and I truely believe, you never will! Keep writing.....this is a very interesting journey!


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