
Thursday, April 06, 2006

cosmic codependency?

I received a book this week by Robert Burney entitled "The Dance of the Wounded Souls" a cosmic look at codependency. I am not even going to try to define what codependency is since it has morphed into so many definitions over the decades. Suffice it to say that it contains this nuggett of food for thought: Mr. Burney theorizes that codependency and other dysfunctional relationships spring up from religion not faith setting the rules.Since Paul laid the foundation of the modern church he more than likely interjected his own human experience into the mix. Therefore, one can conclude that since he was a convert in the most severe of terms and his persecution of early christians provokes such guilt within him that he created the concepts of " Son of God" and "he died for our sins" based on his inner turmoil and we have had millenia to weave that guilt and shame into our very psyche or wiring, if you will . That may be one reason why the "love thy neighbors as thyself " fails so miserably. We all feel like shit about ourselves from the getgo and then if our earthly family has issues and lets face whose doesn't, we get whammies from everywhere. Cut out the human experience of Paul, and we can eliminate the conflict between "we are created in God's image" (so why isn't this a good thing?")and Paul's projected inner turmoil onto a major archetype of the last 2,000 years. Jesus, the Master Teacher,who I choose to follow back to my creator, without the religous dysfunctional garbage of Paul's psyche. Do I then need a church?...


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