
Wednesday, June 13, 2007

you know you´ve arrived in central america when...

the electicity goes off in the hotel 10 minutes after arrival and the gun blasts begin an hour later!
If I recall correctly I began a blog some 2 years ago in a similar vein. although at that time it was technically cannon fire to signal the start of holy week. Some things never change.

noticing the difference in the peoples is the first thing. they are mostly mestizos or mixed rather than indigenous or indian looking. the weather is the next. its broiling hot here. feels like perpetual hot flashes and soaking in your own sweat. however; the volcanoes, the lakes and highlands will be waiting...

Big quake in Guatemala but no tsunami warnings. makes people edgy round here as quakes are pretty destrtructive but hopefully that will be that for the time being.

Thinking of everyone at home and making new friends already!


  • At 11:08 PM, Blogger Michelle said…

    Hi Buddy,

    Glad to hear that you arrived. Hoping for all you expect and a little more. Hi to Theresa.

    XXOO Michelle


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