
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

let's see if I get this...

...I do believe I have officially studied people enough to have come full circle or at least anticipate coming full circle with the technology and brains out there studying human brains. It all comes back to the brain. The 3lbs of matter and chemicals lumped on our shoulders. It all comes back to attachment, the fatalest of flaws to experience. The perceived experience of rejection, ambivalence, neglect, abuse etc. which add up to the gnawing feeling of shame of never measuring up. The countertransference and projective identification with those we encounter further perpetuating the dysfunctional cycle until someone says who, what, where, when and why. Allan Schore is a someone who helps to organize the attachment process at most conceivable levels. Consistent levels. He tells us that our primary caretaker at birth or attachment figure is not only responsible for our physical needs but sets the tempo for receiving cues and setting the stage for modulation of emotions. If there is communication breakdown at any level here, the implications are enormous for future attachments or relationships. The adult is also the perceived one in charge. But what if the adult is just cleverly disguised as one and really only a child themselves, or what if the parent is just a child themselves? What does that say about the culture as a whole. If we fail in relationship with ourselves and others, to what degree, length of time, and do we believe we are remodelable? The leap of the plasticity theory is quite a large one but one that is coming to fruition via fMRI and various pictures of the brain in action. Psychotherapy provides but one option to truly remodel the past for a person and if they go to lead happier lives then chances are greater that that positive emotions will win out in much the same way darwinian theory also applies to so many concurrent life forces. Sadly, negativity is winning the darwinian battles on many levels. As I go down this road I find myself ready to reimerse in things neuro and chemical because it really appears that is what the emotions and disorders are all about...the nature, nuture controversy is another way of looking at the mother/child bonding process. This opens up questions about men and the caregiving role. It opens up a shitload of things right down to the self beliefs that we are not crazy but merely responding to what has been mapped out for us. Can we change the mapping? you betcha and I hope to be blessed with sticking around longer to see that happen. I was called "crazy" or some variant of the word when I wanted to study this stuff back in 1983 at EUP. I got my way and I hope Dr. Culbertson is as thrilled as I am at the way this trip is going...Definitely more on this later.


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