
Monday, April 16, 2007


"we don't know there's no problem" should be DUH! "we know there's a problem we just self medicate to numb." One way to shut down sensorily. Since I am back on this so soon (because I was dogged by the fact that something didn't sound right in my head so I had to check)what is this tragedy at VTech.? I believe I need more info but do I dare go to tv or stay in cyberspace or both. Its as if a situation in which EMDR will eventually be needed for the treatment of those involved presented itself immediately. So now what? Does stuff like this reinforce the fact that I will only be unemployed by my own choice or do I respond to this in some way. With this being a retraumitization it could trigger lots of responses. Somehow I am compelled to look where most sane people would run away. I am who I am in that regard. There are others out there as well, bearing witness to violence, hatred, biotry, judgement. There are gems in that minefield of ugliness and you become one of them in the process. I am preferring to help myself and others mine the richness of their fields and find the gems by sifting through the dirt.
Also as I think of this, it's April. Columbine time. The month of March reportedly has the highest rate of adolescent admissions for psychiatric care. And the perpettrators of these tragedies may not be necessarily, chronoogically an adolescent but they are emtionally and may even be younger emtionally than an adolescent but now with access to the power of an adult. Reflect back on other tragedies like this. What is the connection. ? Is there a connection.? Since my dear friend proposed this as another one of her brillant theories we see it in action here. And I suppose that this isn't so much a theory as a statistic or observation rate. no such thing as a coincidence...


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