
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

herein lies the rub?

The American Psychological Association has opined about the internet and the postings of professional psychologists. Admittedly, they are in a dilemma about how much is too much and what violates the ethical code of conduct. Admittedly, so am I. While there are no known websites with contrary things pertaining to me, I need to be more vigilant that I don't create that environment myself. The article stated "Attending to these questions has ethical significance as well, because disclosing information that has a reasonable likelihood of becoming available to clients can facilitate, or signifiantly hinder, our ability to exercise beneficence in a professional relationship."
It also goes to the very definition of myself. Psychologist first, all else second? Perhaps that drives my need to be heard . Perhaps that denies me an element of personhood or enhances it like nothing else. My experience has been the latter.
In a very recent discussion with a colleague about how we define ourselves and this available technology I found myself leaning to the reinforcement first and formost about being a psychologist. That enhances my personhood and what else would enhance my being a psychologist. I believe that to be why my reaction to Dr. Phil is so viceral. He appears to have taken the "Jerry Springer" route with his show (correct me if I am wrong) and that is so sad to watch. Skills used with question. Like using it for advertising or "opinion swaying".
So where now? "We are inevitably most ethical when we are most psychologically minded. Thoughtful reflection on how information we choose to make available over the internet may affect others, and why we choose to disclose particular information in this venue, has deep roots in the ethics of our profession."
In other words, note to self, "shut up and think".


  • At 8:12 AM, Blogger ShelleyL said…

    I agree with you about Dr Phil. I wish sometimes he would just 'shut up and think' while checking out his show. I cant watch it because it does feel like an infomercial. Like he is the Ronco of psychology!


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