
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

friends don't let friends ride rice burners...

they may have been the first bikes I heard at Frontier Park but they are bikes nonetheless. I heard them everywhere. Some folks are hot for robins as the harbinger of spring but I love my bike sounds. Try to guess what they are by how they sound. Symphonic.
Spring fever in action! I love to watch as coats, shoes come off.
I think the title of the blog was once a bumper sticker on a 1974 Plymouth Valiant I once owned in the late 1970's.
Lots of days I pay attention to the first song I hear and see how the day goes. Today's was "Solsbury Hill" with the most powerful words for me being the 2nd verse: "To keep in silence I resigned, my friends would think I was a nut, turning water into wine, open doors would soon be shut. So I went from day to day, tho' my life was in a rut, Till I thought of what I'd say, which connections I should cut. I was feeling part of the scenery, I walked right out of the machinery, my heart going Boom Boom Boom, "Hey" he said "grab your things I've come to take you home." and the last verse is slightly different with "Hey" I said " you an keep my things, they've come to take me home."
through the years its meaning has changed for me but it always feeds me what I need. I remember the days of setting equalizers to "Red Rain" because it cresendos so intensly. I hope to never lose the power that music has always played in my life.


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