
Monday, April 16, 2007

motor city moments

Is it a desire to cure boredom or gain experience? I say hot damn about me completing the educational experience and putting into practice some phenomenal theories about how we process memories and experiences. I think my drive to just keep going and learning and experiencing satisfies both. And I am more ok with that then I can ever recall.
My dear friend/colleague and I went to the 'burbs of Detroit to "sharpen the saw",to conceptualize more about how this works. To also admittedly work on issues that hinder me.
After adjusting to the eerily empty hotel (did come to life later on Sat) we just spent time together learning and having fun as only we can.
I marvel at the sheer, simple technique of moving the eyes back and forth to engage both hemispheres. My dear friend's theory of the bottom up approach to regulating emotions, engaging logic and providing a map about how the brain experiences and stores our perceptions is pretty brilliant. Especially when the facilitator for the weekend quoted her theory!!
If emotions over events aren't processed then it runs amok in the brain train and becomes the engine without direction. If we spend too much time in the cars on the train (logical side, think left hemisphere for most people ) we don't know there's no direction, we just know we are going somewhere fast and that can be big problems. Then we eat, drink and be merry in the dining car and the engine still has no modulator (conductor) but we don't notice because we are too busy self- medicating (what works for you?) At some point in time we either jump the train (hopefully in a slower moment) and pay the consequences or we let it crash and pay the consequences of that too.
If the jumping or the crashing did not prove fatal then there is a chance to modify the engine and cars it carries. The modification comes through therapy, education, short, change. We don't like change. Period. We are all the same on that one. Even those of us who seek frequent, different sources of mental and emotional stimuation have anxiety and move through it anyway. What different resources do we have that others could benefit from.? EMDR reprocessing could be one of them. It's not a quick fix but it can be very comprehensive. It's not hypnosis either. In fact, one the stumbling blocks for me after 22 years of this mission with myself and other people is that I can insert myself too much into the therapeutic issues. Not boundary problems, just run at the mouth problems, enthusiasm to share (resulting from my position in life as an only child?)Not mean spirited...EMDR contains the left brain logic crap we delude ourselves into thinking about ourselves until we start to peel away at the layers that have developed as a result of our own personal, private experiences of our lives, not what others have inserted along the way (trauma...challenging parenting...abuse) Peel away the layers, find out the original source and it may be waaaaay back and reprocess those issues. Reprocessing does not mean forgetting. It means giving the engine direction and modulation for its power and the ride becomes less painful and the events are just scenery going by. How is that for an explanation of the EMDR? I suppose I will modify this as I experience it myself.
Otherwise, too involved to really experience anything other than through 2 indie newspapers I found published in Detroit about Detroit. Pretty good local paper as they go and I try to find them wherever I go. They are usually located in coffee shops and bookstores. Anyway... the advertising or selling of people fascinates me so off I go to the personal ads and the entertainment ads. Lo and behold, this huge ad for " Pimps and 'Ho's" nightclub. I reflected on the '70's pump shoes and glitter and the language. I connected with the current situation with Imus. I agree with the fact they fired him. At some point, the "right" to free speech needs to be challenged by all of us who benefit from the "right" to free speech. CBS or whoever has a "right" as an employer to discipline a loose cannon. That's what Imus is. Now, what about places called "Pimps and "Ho's"?...
I feel as though I processed alot of blockage and that is contributing to the content and length of this post. The flotsam and jetsom have shifted and memories are more modulated. Not to say that the process doesn't continue. I believe the only people who don't process information are dead people. So....if you don't qualify for that, let's look at what we got. ...


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