
Monday, February 26, 2007

Hot Damn

I first had the chance to see the Departed in Atlanta last fall while on some educational pursuit.
I remember walking out of the theatre that looks like any multiplex usa and realizing I wasn't sure where I was. Early senility, chronic blondeness? One of the most engrossing movies I had seen in a long time. I remember saying"there is the best picture of the year" but also knowing that they are reluctant to honor Scorcese yet he most asuredly deserves it.
Well, as time went on it looked like this was his time to shine. Glad for you. When is the next one coming out?. See "Scorcese on Scorcese" for a fun look at his career.
I remember being about 12-13 years old and I began to read my grandfather Dietrich's copy of "the Godfather". I thought I would have gotten into more trouble but I recall him saying something to the effect of "if you can understand it, you can read it". I've been hooked ever since.
Wonder what the "The Black Donnely's" will have to show on NBC show starting tomorrow night. Thanks to DVR, I don't have alot of effort, just a little time, invested. Lets see what TV can do with this great slice of life .

Thursday, February 22, 2007

she came in through the office window...?

Having had a start to a day very off balance, and feeling like I recovered well is a pretty good victory for me!! I locked myself out of my treatment office and was using my "business" office to meet with people. That was interesting since it reveals alot more of the duality to my character. More personal looksees. That aside, a suggestion of going through the window was offered. I thought about it and knew it was possible because I crack my windows esp after long days of my long windedness. Hmmm. Ice was receding... Opened easy , now just hoist my carcass off the ground through the window. Sucess! I don't think it could of looked too bad, it wasn't too hard. The only witness toward the end was my unsuspecting office mate and she looked perplexed with the doors and window all open.
I was just thinking about the non-competitive 10k they have in Cleveland in May. The "Rock 'n Roll Run" or something like that. Little different inspiration like Machu Picchu, mountain climbing last summer ...need to move...I just have to admit to needing a "team" approach. It was tough last summer relying on people to literally move my leg for me, to form their shape so I could keep on going on some selfish or sadistic trip or to just keep on going period.
Lets see how the rest of this interesting day goes.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

bright sadness

I had the opportunity to attend our 12:10 ash wednesday service today and was introduced to "bright sadness". An interesting concept I'm not sure I can do justice trying to explain. Dean Downey reports that this concept contains both dualities of many qualities that inhabit us and allows us an opportunity to become introspective about the spirit and the self. It allows the opportunity to step inside and see how this creation measures up as compared to God's plan. Maybe more people will step inside the world as it is much of my life, not just during this 40 day period of introspection, with intent to change and aid other people and in the process becoming better. This time of year raises the bar for me and introduces spring as well.
Reading the bishop's book and her words will be another test of "the right time" I want to move so fast sometimes... People can follow along with that discussion on the cathedral's website at and follow the links for the book club.

This time of year also recalls the birth of this blog when Tresa and I journied to Guatemala for Holy Week 2 years ago!! Pretty much the same old stuff I said back then clearer, fuzzier.

As Van Morrison summed it up: "I think I'll go underground to get some heavy rest!" But I'll still be reading and writing and soaking it all up.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

end note

from Tom Petty...
Interviewer: "You said you were doing a lot of cocaine. Did that affect your songwriting?"
TP:" No. I think it affected my breaking my hand..."

its hard out here for a pimp...

You know its hard out here for a pimp
When he tryin to get his money for the rent.
For the Cadillacs , gas money spent
Because a whole lot of bitches talkin shit
Will have a whole lot of bitches talkin shit.

Makes a lot more sense if you watch "hustle and flow". A little back dated but something I saw today. And remember, this number won last year's oscar for best song. Almost as good as when Barbra Streisand had to announce Eminem for best song for "8 Mile". You gotta love the looks on the faces...

Saturday, February 17, 2007

the paradoxical commandments

Kent Keith wrote these originally in 1968 as part of a student business handbook. They have been credited to Mother Theresa with 2 lines added. Here is how Mr. Kent wrote them.

People are illogical, unreasonable and self-centered.
Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish , ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.

I you are sucessful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Suceeed anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankenss make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and
women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.

People favor underdogs but follow only topdogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.

People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.

I think its just a timely piece to reflect on...

Friday, February 16, 2007

Bong Hits 4 Jesus...

...and other landmark cases in support of our constitutional right to free speech. In a nutshell, in 2002 a highschool student in Alaska (bear that in mind) constructed a sign that bore that saying and displayed in an off campus parade as the Olympic torch went by. High school principal says that that behavior violates school anti drug policy. Only problem was, he wasn't on school property at the time of the incident. The principal did an inschool suspension for at least 10 days. Fast forward to the 9th Circuit Court in San Francisco (bear this in mind as well) in 2006. They ruled that the principal enforced school rules in a zone not covered by school rules but protected by the constitutional right to free speech. Granted, 5 years has gone by but precedent has been set. The constitution still trumps something these days.!! And victory to those who take the hard way. May not seem like it at the time but there are things still worth fighting or taking a stand. I still happen to like what the old chaps wrote over 200 years ago and I don't think it needs much tweaking.
I see that the dollar theater has "Shut up and sing" about the Dixie Chicks and it is also coming to the mercyhurst film series this spring. So hats off to the first amendment.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

living well is the best revenge

Who said that? Can't remember but it sure does fit.
I am sorry I wasn't able to see the Grammy awards to see the Police reunion and to see the Dixie Chicks' wins. I am sure they are pleased that they took the "hard road" They spoke their truths despite the spirit crushers and life threateners. Interesting that country music is all about the "rebel" image but God help you if you really are one. Then you get dissed by the very organization that claims to have music about "the rebel" lifestyle. I guess its ok as long as you don't walk your talk!! I understand more clearly now why I really don't like most country music. It's not real. It's all talk and no action. Who wants to be around that!! At least with rock n' roll you have some people who walk the talk sometimes to their own expense.
Anyway, enough about my soap box. I will leave that to Allen Shore's character on "Boston Legal".
Glad to hear that the awards have led to a tentative Police reunion although I am sure creative tempers are also revving with them. I hope they do come through with Bonaroo down in Tennesee. That would be alot of fun. Am I too old for concerts and camping? Don't know...

Monday, February 12, 2007

i awoke in fla this morning

and I go to sleep with flannel sheets. I had a rejuvenating experience and hope to see everyone, weather willing . PS avoid Dulles airport in Washington DC if at all possible.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

"the smell of the kill"

What a funny play at the Hippodrome Theatre here in Gainesville! The ad reads something like this: " 3 husbands done wrong, 3 wives get even!". Enough to get my attention so off we went. Anybody who has ever been in a relationship will find this funny in some way. So, if your significant other wants to buy a meat locker, think long and hard about it!!

Friday, February 09, 2007

the lure of florida

ok, i caved!!. I keep getting these heinous weather reports from up home so I have extended my stay here till monday the 12th. I will be ready and waiting to jump back in on Tues so not to worry but till then...besides that strange things are happening in this very strange state so I must stick around awhile longer. First, killer tornados, then would-be killer astronauts and then Smiths death. Either things happen in 3's and it will be quiet or...more later

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

a "sun sign"

not in the astrological sense but in the predictive sense. I decided to go see "The Departed" one more time on the big screen before DVD release. I went at 4 when the sun was still out despite my earlier writing. About 2/3 of the way through right at the scene where Matt Damon's character is trying to figure out who the rats are, the film gets caught in the sprockets and melts away before our very eyes (there were 2 other people). I did get 2 passes for another movie and at least I know how it ends. I take it as a sign, a sun sign, if you will, to play outside at least till the street lights come on! Now I'll wait till Tues...

here comes the sun...

...and out goes Celeste. This is how it should be here in Fla. Sorry for all my friends and family who are suffering in the inhumane cold weather up north. Today being humpday, I believe it calls for all the sun worshipping I can muster. I am a product of a generation that lived in the sun and I literally am transformed by sunlight both physically and mentally. The creativity in my music and writing is in high gear and plans galore are shaping up while I am down here. More writing...after the sun goes down, of course!

Monday, February 05, 2007

the measure of a man

I didn't take the opportunity the 1st time to read Sidney Poitier's book with the above title. Now Oprah has given people like me a 2nd chance to get on board. And on board I am. Its a "spiritual autobiography" that had me riveted from page one. I'm won't try to paraphrase, he's too magnificent a man to do justice to. Just read it for yourselves. I'm "refilling my cookie jar" down here with lots of creative and relaxation time. I did venture on to the University of Florida campus which always jazzes me up. Noticed this time however, I feel more like a grandmother with these kids than a cohort. YIKES, knew the time would come but...nonetheless, universities and colleges will always be "playgrounds" for me. I've been playing piano while I am here and I have discovered that little kittens and piano stings make strange music. Heathcliff, my aunt's latest rescue has discovered the world of things that move or vibrate, like piano strings and hammers. Beethoven with a new twist! I seem to lose the cursor on this computer so am unable to paragraph this but hey...After Sidney's book is finished I have "Conversations with Tom Petty" awaiting me. He is a Gainesville boy after all!! Till later

Friday, February 02, 2007

somewhat sunny florida

I made it relatively unscathed through the flying process and arrived in one piece. Now that I am in one of my favorite college towns I feel the need to check out the scene around here and I'm sure it will be just another reminder of how far away from that part of my life I really am but the youth and enthusiasm is hard to beat. Plus the music scene... hasta manana