
Friday, June 16, 2006

sorche, macchu picchu y huana picchu

New words f0r new experiences! Soroche is the Quechua word for altitude sickness an experience poor Wayne has gone through. We all have had mild altitude adjustments to the 11,000 ft that is Cusco. we spent a day and a half in lima with a speed tour some museums but just as well because lima defines the icky part of south american sprawl. no me gusta lima. however, once we established ourselves in cusco we felt immediately at home. cusco is the oldest most continuously inhabited city in the americas that includes anything we might have to offer. i haven´t been able to blog simply because of the activity level of the last few days. we made it to macchu picchu wed. the first vistas of this glorious place and you feel and know you are in the presence of the creator of your understanding. it also debunks any theory that people from outer space built. in fact that idea is an insult to the amazing people who created this citadel. many theories as to what m.p. was but it is inspiring. you could close your eyes and shoot a photo and can´´t go wrong . punctuation and capitalization are out the window here as the keyboard is confusing for me. so... then we awoke at the crack of dawn to return to the summit of m.p. to watch the sunrise. my lord... then we began the climb for huana picchu which is the taller summit overlooking m.p. thought to be a citadel of protection for that city that indigenous built long before the incas. and were long gone before the incas took over then they moved on and thankfully the spaniards never found this treasure that should surely be considered one of the seven wonders of the world. back to climbing huana picchu. it ranks as one of the truely crazy things we have done but oh so magnificant. once you see the pictures you can understand both. today is friday i think, remember i didn´t even bring a watch with me so poki will make his appearance today at an orphanage here in cusco. any donations given to me will go there. i am amazed that peru is clean and punctual something that other places i have visited have lacked. there is an indigenous festival going on right outside as write this. i have also found an internet cafe that works well so perhaps more frequent blogs will come and i have also downloaded my first set of photos so off we go for more.
hasta luego,


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