
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

thank you Mother Theresa

'the dark night of the soul" is an expression of significant doubt and struggle, something all of us experience perhaps not necessarily recognizing it as such.
To be honest, I have been struggling for the last year as to what I believe, who I believe and what to make of all this doubt.
So I do the usual me thing and 1st deny its happening, then that lasts a brief time and I start to educate myself to see if others may shed some light and I might identify with someone in a similar situation.
That's where Mother Theresa figures in. As the doubt reaches fever pitch for me, the infotainment channel reveals that she kept diaries since the founding of her order and her work in Calcutta. They were full of doubt, anger, resignation and wonder at why she was needed to do her work in the first place yet she never stopped her work. That's the reason she should be recognized as an extraordinary human being.
Not miracles or whatever is really on the Vatican checklist for cannonization but she kept serving those who needed her. I understand she became quite the fund raiser, she apparently had a way about her to raise money and most who encountered her, gave to her. My paternal grandmother bore a signigicant resemblence to Mother Theresa because she, too, was Croat. She, too, was quite persuasive despite her tiny physical presence and that is perhaps where the resemblene ends! So I have a sense that Mother Theresa's anger was an energizing force behind her ability to continue her work despite her doubt.
So I continue on my journey with a wonderful new travelmate.


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