
Monday, August 13, 2007

the blessing of the bikes

That doesn't always translate into casino luck but it was fun. The entire Roar on the Shore gets kudos from me. Can't wait till next year. Bikes unite people from ways of life that might not necessarily come together for any other reason. There appeared to be a big representation of Vietman Vets who displayed their pride for their service, finally. Its been enough time past and I hope they can find safe places to talk about their experiences.

Ellen Goodman wrote a good editoral about the evolution of blogs which appeared in today's paper. She summarizes the makeup of people who use blogs, respond to blogs and also the cultural demographics.
The blogs are to the liberal left what talk radio is to the conservative right. That helps explain my being drawn to this medium and absolutely revolted by conservative talk radio. Good to know that things still happen for a reason. Ellen then added on the same old gender crap that permeates everything else in this culture: if a man vents his anger he is acting according to his gender expectations but if a woman expresses her anger she is a bitch. HMMMM....
As a woman who cut her teeth on the women's movement of the 70's I am disheartened. I would have thought that maybe, just maybe that action/reaction dance was dying out. But according to Ellen it is not.
She reports through her research that 1/2 of all blogs are written by women but in the political arena 42%of the bloggers were male and 7% female. What had been hoped for in an arena where gender could have been more equalized has become male/female culture redux. There are blogger sites "for women" but again the marginalization occurs. Even in mixed blog sites women continue to be threatened if their point of view is not that of a doormat. And sadly for these angry men is that the threat is usually the same: "What you need is a good #@%! " And I doubt that includes a good debate or verbal commmunication
I look for signs that tell me to keep on writing whatever the $#^& I want and I like it when they are this easy. And by "writing what I want" I still try to maintain a good editoral staff in my head.

Edgar Winter really rocked the town the other night. Another wonderful opportunity to hear really unique musicianship under the Big Dipper. I heard him and his brother Johnny in 1979 and I still remember that show!! Texas 2steppin blues rocks this soul. Lets see what lays ahead for this week...


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