
Friday, July 06, 2007

justice for eric volz (voltz)

What's that got to do with 1 gringa beating out of central america early? A whole lot in my humble opinion about the "attitude" of most Nica's , Tico's and Hondurans. Overall, I found Hondurus the most beautiful, unexpected destination with Nica deserving a rapid looksee but not much else. Hate to say that it all goes back to politics but in this case it does and it causes further abuse of the system. Eric lives this abuse everday. The level of contradictory bullshit that would emenate from the mouths of most Nica's placed us in direct danger on several occasions and hopefully will become funny one day in my mind's eye. The passive-aggressive taken to the psychotic level...By the time we crossed the border into Costa Rica I was too far gone to really care if we got taken at some level, you just knew it was going to happen so just don't let it be too much today. Doublespeak as a form of constant communication wears you thin know matter where it happens. It wears faster when you are in a constant shell game of hide what goes on in the country. By the time I realized what was really happening to that poor bastard, eric voltz, all I wanted to do was get out of Nicaragua. I was by then operating on pure intuition and little language. It was tense to say the least. To be in the very town where the murder occured less than 8 months ago is to be in a town that still stings with emotion. Eric Voltz was more than 2 hours away with dozens of witnesses to vouch for his whereabouts. When he returned to San Juan Del Sur to help her family bury her, the family, the town, the entire country turned on this innocent amigo and arrested him in a lynch mob style fashion and on at least 2 occaisions, mobs have had attempts to end his life , vigalante- style. The Kangaroo court which convicted him was simply looking for an American to taunt, to destroy like they feel they were destroyed at the hands of the us govt when reagan was king. Give us a break. This isn't an american gov't issue? What more of an issue screams to be but a govt issue. Just google eric voltz and be outraged yourselves. I felt it so intensely that all I really wanted to do was head to Costa Rica, where it was said to be pricier but "friendlier" (just more passive aggressive style). At this point, I didn't want to risk the onset of some sort of crud I picked up along the way. So, my better judgement said "get the hell out of dodge" which was outside of San Jose Costa Rica.
I've been lying low not really sure how to process all the great occurences that came along as well. The photos are worth a thousand words. I will make time to email and send photos to new aquaintanences that I love adding to my list...


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