
Thursday, June 21, 2007


thanks to Tucker again for leading us to the womens cooperative. A wild ride in a three wheeler taxi up a mountain road left us with the women weavers and doll makers. Again, try to imagine the remoteness of Copan Ruinas and then to quadruple that isolation and you have this incredibly remote village trying to feed, educate and create life as they know it.

I dedicate today´s blog to Trullio and Fatima one such young couple trying to make a go of it. They are 25 and 20 years old with a small daughter. In addition to driving a "cab" all day, Trullio studies 2 hours every night to learn english, science, math and social studies. All so he can complete the 6th Grade!! He smiles proudly at he and his wife´s accomplishments. Fatima also studies secondary school subjects. When asked his long term goal he replies proudly that he wants to graduate high school!! Primary education is free here but secondary is very expensive so its step by step for him as well.

Trullio wants more for himself than being like his father and he realized that he may have gotten a later start in life but its a start nonetheless. We hope we helped in some small way today as they touched us with their determination and lack of self pity. These people are why I am driven to come here, of all places. I simply go where God leads me. In this case, he came in the form of a lovely little golden retriever and his Canadian companions, Andy and Anna. Andy and Anna could be living a different life in Toronto but instead they chose to live here and make lives different for others.

Its a vivid lesson we could learn if we think its too late for ourselves. The time will pass whether we do anything or not with it so why not go for broke and do what the heart calls us to do.


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