
Saturday, June 23, 2007

resurfaced in Granada

Back to the beginning of the trip. I should have said "It couldn´t be any worse than the trip up there" and not worried about the jinx because guess what ?... It was a strange trip indeed...
On our way to Copan Ruinas we learned the concept of directivo buses are not necessarily directivo. After 18 hours on various buses we arrived at La Entrada after dark and were informed that we were indeed at the entrance to the town of Copan Ruinas except that it was an hour away up the mountain and the local buses had stopped for the night. So... we hailed the local taxi driver, who had been shooting pool and drinking cervas. After not getting gouged too much we stopped for gas and away we went. Had to have the windows open the whole time as the gas tank was stapped to the vehicle and just a wee bit leaky. After nearly hitting a bull and a fox crossing the road we arrived at our destination. When the locals heard what we had been through they just muttered "dios mio"
On our return trip thru Tegucigalpa Hondurus we had no choice but to hole up overnight at a place called the Alhambra Inn. Outward appearances seemed untoward but inside...ah inside...Welcome to the Hotel California...
First, the desk guy didn´t show despite the security guard`s intent investigation. Then when he did some 15 minutes later he was bombed...wacked...drunk off his ass with the glassy eyes and all. Then suddenly some dude shows up in the lobby smoking a cig and displaying a big side arm. And that's not a play on words for something else. Oh and he was blasted as well. Apparently he was the designated bag carrier.
After he drops off our bags he won't leave the room. His eyes are all glassy and he has this shit eating grin on his face. Despite my desperate fatigue I manage to give him one of my famous ¨looks¨ and he goes out wobbly but out nonetheless.
We get about 5-6 hours of shuteye and off we go again and thus our return to Granada is complete. Even though we had a ticket from Tegus all the way to Granada it was our responsibility to tell the bus driver we wanted off in Granada. Gotta love how this part of the world works!! At least I´ll be prepared since the USA is heading rapidly in this direction.
Tomorrow is either rest or on to Ometepe Island for the can´t miss wildlife (animal kind). After that we make our way down the Pacific Coast to Costa Rica.
I´ll write more about the border crossing itself when I find the right words to use.


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