
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

mercury in retrograde redux

June 14th to July 9th...I suspected there was more to it than just another trip to another far away place and culture. Planatery events were conspiring as well such as our favorite "mercury in retrograde". This year we are blessed with only 3 in the calendar 2007. The last will be Oct14th to Nov 2nd. Those of us fortunate to be dominated by the planetary behavior of Mercury (Libra and Gemini)also get the full whomping when it decides to reverse gears and screw with communications and relationships (probably one a logical offshoot of the other). So here I find myself a stranger in a strange land plus mercury is in retrograde. Not the full reasoning of why some things happened the way they did but always a committed contributor. that's why usual sources of communication did not make any sense. There were dropped calls made when usually things flow smoother. I can plug in different scenerios all along the trip as well as after my return that make better sense as to why they happened now that I have stopped being dimwitted about these astrological events and placing the deserving weight where it belongs. I have my Mayan glyph tattooed on my back for God's sake. You would think I would pay closer attention but I usually look for self responsibility 1st rather than outside reasons.
Kind of the tone of self punitiveness that this is taking so I will go into retrograde emotional gear for now. At least I have made one more discovery to keep in my memory banks. I will be embarking for Portland very soon and Mercury will be rotating the correct way so lets keep a good thought...


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