
Monday, November 26, 2007


Seems as though I will be learning new initals for some time to come. Here's another "becareful what you wish for..." scenerio. Today marked my husbands 1st full day of training for Corrections Officer for the county prison. It marks a huge step on his part to continue to expand his world and his experiences. Poor bastard is married to me and I am never just content to be. If I see potential I try to Love it into being for that other person and myself. I could be a lot more loving with myself, I suppose but I digress. I really wasn't sure where this would lead us but its a ballsy move at age 45. Movement is ballsy at any age, really. The irony is the law enforcement bit. I did my share of police certification in my day and like all professions it attracts a quirky lot. For the most part I like them as a group. They gravitate toward law enforcement like shrinks find something out about themselves, others; to work out personal shit or just collect a paycheck. Something about working with people though, you always get more back than you think you give.always. Kudos to everyone who takes risks.

Cormac McCarthy's " The Road" is one of the best books I have read since "Love in the TIme of Cholera" and for polar opposite reasons. "The Road" is spartan in words but lean and tense in its description of a father and son in a post-apocolyptic world. Mighty gloom and doom in a narrative voice so unique I hope to savor it for some time to come. Luckily, he is well published so there is alot to catch up on. "No country for old men" is also his. Should I see the movie or read the book first...hmmm...?

Friday, November 16, 2007

another literary winner

The book begins "When all is said and done, killing my mother came easily." Once again, Alice Sebold has my undivided attention in her new book " The Almost Moon". The story unfolds within a 24 hour period, which I would think in novel form is quite an achievement. So far, her motives appear to include her mother's dementia , but who knows.I believe it will only take me that long to read it as well.

I managed to leave a larger than usual carbon footprint by actually printing out the entire contents of this blog. It involved more paper than I had believed I could have actually used in long hand. I have to say that the printed "coherence" to it looks like a blue print for further exploration.

I am marinating in a sensory experience on many levels. I feel primed to absorb words, music, stories and contact with others. I also believe I no longer need to control those experiences with language in my head stating "You gotta do this much or that much or people will see you as less than" It happens when it happens. Which translates into periods where I may not write or absorb or learn and times when its flying at me like space garbage on a nasa flight. Its not going with the flow, its surfs up! Its knowing when to anticipate and crouch on the board and knowing when to stand up riding the crest. And the coolness is that the waves never cease... I am blessed to live on water that is alive and reminds me all the time lest I forget what I just wrote.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


"Gonzo" journalism will never see the likes of its founder again. Hunter S. Thompson excelled in now famous "screeds" about "the doomed" in all situations. He inspired me to start this in the first place. Stream of conciousness writing is difficult to communicate and at times difficult to follow without knowing the person well enough. What I loved about Hunter was that he didn't give a shit if he was understood or not. He never lived half way and he died when he said so. The new book is more revelation about one weird dude.

Having said that, I did an about face with regard to text messaging. I applied the WWHD theory and figured he may have just used it himself . So, I bought the cheapest plan they have, despite the woman's concern that 250 texts per month might not be enough !! :) and see what its all about.

That's what HST did...saw what it was all about.