
Friday, June 23, 2006

its a jungle out there...

i have just emerged from 5 days in the jungle. no communications. nada. time told only by the position of the sun. the land that time forgot. literally. amazing varieties of fruit and birds and animals and insects. oh my where to begin. i feel this blog will bounce around alot because so does my head and heart. i just recieved an email that my beloved timmie cat died while i was away. she was almost 16 years and had been with me for 12 years. pray for wayne who i know is sad too. my other animals are also grieving as wayne has told me. i am grateful for the kindness that my dear friends michelle and cherie took with her earthly remains. that had to have been difficult for them as well. thank you my friends. i also thank god that i was not the one to find her. these things do not happen by coincidence.
i am stunned at the beauty of this planet and am more aware now than ever that it truly provides all that we need. again, our arrogance that we could do a better job of providing for ourselves than what our creator has already provided. i implore everyone to see AN INCONVIENT TRUTH even though i have notyet but intend to because my understanding is that is addresses what i have personally witnessed. pharmacuetical companies are the height of arrogance. when our creator gave us plants for all our ailments and they need to warp our perspective that if it isnt in pill form it isnt good. lets face it. its all about the money. where did the u.s. go so very wrong. isnt anyone willing to stand up for what is right. our own declaration of independemce states that if a govt. ceases to act to the benefit of its governed then it needs to be disposed of.
hmmmmm.... i project these thoughts in cyberspace because i can but perhaps not for that long.}
google just accepted a deal in china that they, google, would allow censorship on their search engine just so they could do business with them. the almighty dollar. remember everyone, that qwest communications refused to comply with the nsa request to monitor residents phone calls so somebody has the balls to stand up to the govt. bravo qwest communications. i am reminded of the writing by maritn neimoller, a nazi victim who stated, and i paraphrase,
when they came for the catholics i did not speak up because i was not catholic. when they came for the jews i did not speak because i was not a jew. when they came for the trade unionists i did not speak up because i was not a trade unionists and by the time they came for me there was no one left to speak up. there is more but i am just winging it. so when people state that they dont
want to fight the status quo then are they living up to the creators intention. it literally is a jungle out there but one worth fighting for. my grief is pouring out in this blog and my grief is usually through anger .
tomorrow marks the largest indigenous festival in all of south america. inti rymi. inti is sun in the quechua language and rymi means festival. the indigenous from all around peru are pouring into cusco as i write this. the colors, music, smells, humanity, gloriousness of this planet and its unfolding right before my eyes. each time i journey outside the comfort zone i am changed forever and this is no exception. i hope my photos and movies do this justice because my brain is just not adequate enough to express what has happened and what will happen. there is a shaman coming monday at 2 for a personal experience of which i could only speculate. have i written all for now. i believe so.


  • At 8:55 AM, Blogger Karen G. said…


    I am so very sorry for the loss of your kitty; I truly empathize with you.

    Thank you for your beautiful descriptive writing. I can feel your joy, and your anger. I can see and share your experiences in my mind's eye.

    I have a request: for the few days you have left in that magical and sacred place be in the here and now. Not my "here." Your "here." Your battles are honorable. They will still be here when you return.

    With Love,


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