
Monday, July 10, 2006

photographer and face painter...

...something to add to my c.v. I like the idea of occasionally donating my fees to a charity of my choice. I feel better about taking fees outside my office and putting them to good use. That allows all work to have value.
I just jumped right back in with both feet. usually works best for me. 2nd week back at the office and the focus is clearer with looking and printing my pictures. The video portion will add alot.
Answers provided on my trip are coming up as questions jump out at me since my return. Time and the gifts of this incredible planet are just two areas of major thinking shift that have occurred. If we only set our clocks to the natural rhythmns of the sun and moon would we be better off? define better off? Our ability to sleep might not be so screwed up trying to live a life outside of the rhythmns of nature. What I really like about life in parts of Mexico, Central America and esp. South America are the rhythmns they set to the sun. Inti. It gets light at 6am and gets dark at 6 pm. They are below the equator but not sofar. As one approaches the bottom of Chile and Tiera del Fuego then that may change. I kept time without a watch and only occasionally asked for the time of day. 3 weeks to reset my clock was relaxing. No news except World Cup. I was able to watch the 2 OTs and the kickoffs and it was a fitting end to a World Cup I was privelged to watch on 2 continents Again, we can't wrap our minds around the concept . Even baseball doesn't match up because it is a sport mostly to ourselves. This sport involves inter and intra continental play and unity. Time again. I was told I needed to wait about an hour until our traveling companions returned and I found myself, with my husband, in a very small restaurant in Aguas Calientes near Macchu Picchu. Here, I may have been frustrated but there it gave us the opportunity to watch some world cup play with people from France and Belgium. Hour went by fast and refreshed my mind from then on out. Listened to it in taxis on long rides, asked native villagers (before we went into the jungle) who was playing and they knew!! and all sorts of folks that we may not have had some touch with on this adventure.
I have yet to see "The Inconvienient Truth". I fear the emotions that it may stir in me as I have recently been to what I consider to be near the garden of eden and if this movie shows what I think it will show then I need to be strong to bear this. I was really near the outer edges of the rainforest but its own species' were remarkable. I was casually able to see:cock of the rock (the national bird) hawks, macaws, parrotts, monkeys, trout the size of small boats, fruits, plants, rocks... It left me with no doubt of the great Creator. Interestingly, one of our jungle guides stated that he was an agnostic. I asked him How? when surrounded by all this. Next time, I'll fly in deeper and stay longer. It was the part of the trip I cherish for myself. I will of course see the movie, soon I hope.
My stint as face painter on the 4th of July was surprisingly fun and no negative experiences were had. I felt so ill suited and prepared but I held my own against this rough crowd. The kids weren't too bad either. Would I do it again? Yes
I was also able to lend a hand as a photographer for a fun family event on my dad's side of the family. It was wonderful to have a happy reason to come together. Its now 2 weddings and 3 funerals since 1999. The fun is catching up. I hope these young adults have most of all fun and a sense of purpose and everything else is up for grabs. Life contracts or expands directly related to one's level of courage --AnaisNin.
Having fun coming home again.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

what's it all mean?

Nothing and Everything. It's the 4th of July and I am usually out of the country or have been at least 4 times since 2000. I'm trying to find a way to fit back in and it gets harder each time. I really want to stay somewhere that I would be illed suited for in the long run. I belong here with tales of far away places to tell people to live to their fullest. One of these past days just lounging after something accomplished, the movie "Out of Africa" was playing and I was immediately sucked in. It is one of my next dreams. How do all these worlds and messages make sense.? It helps alot to think both ways and by that I mean:"do we get the answers before the questions, at times, and are we trying to recognize the millions we must get each day and think both ways. Question and Answer at the same time. Lots to reflect on. I distinctly remember a rather anxiety filled day at the Lima airport on the day of departure, and every time I would try to feel sorry for myself, I would get a message somehow that mine was not the most challenging of situations, someone else's was. I was pushing a cart of luggage "upstream" against an arriving mob of people thinking how hard this was for me and just then a man in his early 30's went by me in a push wheel chair. Could have been a trauma or spina bifida but it made my situation nothing in comparison. the message was also delivered in a way I would see it. I worked for almost 15 years with people that had physical, emotional and spiritual losses. that man was my inspiratiion. those stories are too numerous to post in one sitting.
My motherboard on my computer where I can burn discs has crashed so I must be content with another computer with less than optimal software for my pictures and nothing for my video. Oh does that sound whiny and spoiled. a new motherboard will come along with the video. of course, the message is not to rush too much. I am liking the stills very much however.
Today is a day to spread my wings here as well. My husband and his baloon work has taken him to the Kahkwa Club later today with me as his assistant face painter. Pray for all involved.
have a very contemplative fourth of July