
Monday, November 07, 2011

jury duty 2011

Since this blahog has been around a while, i am pretty sure that this topic has come up before. Since 1999 or there abouts, I have been consistently called for jury duty. That's every 3 years. It hasn't changed much. The constant blair of CNN on the TV is lessened but the process is still its own subculture.
Today's defendent appeared latino and was involved in drugs. His seated jury was made up of all white, elderly individuals. Jury of his peers? These folks are gonna get the vapors at the mere mention of 6th and Parade! Also appeared another gent was disqualified for having some dealings with the defendant in the past. Me, I was confidentially connected to 2 of the police officers and so here I am. Usually, I am intrigued once I am inside of a courtroom and learn something new every time. Legal education every 3 years!!
Also reconnected with someone I haven't seen in many years. We used to teach life skills classes together. Glass half full, always.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

you can't make this shit up # 8799

So I'm volunteering with a local agengy, assisting with clerical duties wherever that might be. Soooooo......I encounter a series of letters that someone had saved, because they too, could not make this shit up. I love people who have the presence of mind to save the "comments of the weird".
We are all sent requests for money for different causes. Now, what I do with causes that I will not support is throw them away. Ok, I'm guilty of EPA offenses and not throwing my $$ willy-nillybut I File 13 'em.
Not so for our lunatic fringe. The collection of "rejection letters" commented on the typical, victimized "who's taking care of me?" to "I don't subscribe to the religion forced down there" to vile statements such as "you are all a bunch of effing enablers, these drug addicts and alcoholics need to get a job" to my favorite: race. "I won't support any body who helps effing n*(%^$s." This was a popular theme.
There was the letter writer who politely asked if one of our residents could come live with them to "help around the house"
The outside of one envelope contained all the identifying info, including credit card number etc in lieu of paper inside .
The moral of the story is, throw out if you don't want to give but you lunatic fringe keep on keepin' on...
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. Hunter S. Thompson