
Monday, March 10, 2008

emerging from my cave...

It all started with Pink Martini at Mercyhurst College last Sunday. The infectious orchestra and front row seats got me lost for 2 hours. George Carlin releases " Its all bullshit and its all bad for ya..." on HBO. Usual George rants with age and a case of the "old fuck" worn proudly by this 70 year old Irishman.
Others of my age are emerging and reconnecting. Its how my circles of life go round me. I've had the opportunity to take the road less traveled and trip and fall along the way. If you fall enough you learn how not to hurt yourself. Practice makes everything better.

Clocks go forward sooner, St. Patty's Day is next Monday, 1st day of Spring and Easter all in March. All harbingers...all month. I am far more seasonal than even I realize. It feels more natual to flow with the environment, even if some of it has human fiddling to it. Then its the "easy" seasons...